Joyce hew lieutenant blue love of long obsolete
Leap rinse a darking ten all a tour a bowling
Mass her a toilet more time 'mong lute on stale hay
Portal a sole eye ware dolly mellow collie
Dangle newt akimbo what hymn a councillor
Rang mellow posse lip enamel debt a wee
Laugh lurking plays a tantrum encore desolate
Hell a trial who lip hamper all arisen sally
Surge a moor offer bus? Loosing ant overall?
Miff renter whose anchor double zeal dull or rain
Jerry weed under growth to major lassie reign
Hedge hay dew foil vain corps Trevor say lake heron
Maud Yule hen tour on tour Shirley leer odd earthy
Lesser peer dollar saint all agreed old Liffey
Lue à haute voix avec un accent convenable, cette suite de mots anglais ressemble à l'oreille à El Desdichado.
© François Naudin – 2016